Dr. Sean St. Jean and Joel and Christy Peed offer a unique combination of minister and ministry wellness services. Below are their unique perspectives and qualifications:
Dr. St. Jean has served in the full time ministry, as a counselor, educator of counselors at a graduate level, and doctoral researcher in the field of secondary trauma, compassion distress, and workplace burnout. He also provides conflict reconciliation counseling. His recent book, entitled Spiritual Trauma: A Guide For Healing Your Heart from Church Hurts presents a clear and fair definition of trauma and church hurt and a clear path toward healing and recovery.
Joel and Christy Peed have served in the ministry over thirty years, having led churches for over twenty of those years. They aim to carefully build healthy, spiritual, and sustainable churches, with their most recent church growing 10-20% per year for 15 straight years. During that time, all three of their children were baptized and are now strong leaders in their high school and campus ministries. Joel has a Master’s degree in Biblical Studies and is an ICF certified minister wellness / leadership coach. Christy is nearly completed with her Master’s degree in Spiritual Formation.
Therefore, this unique team combines both the expertise and latest learning of the academic field of compassionate care-giving, as well as the gold, silver, and costly stones of effective church building leadership strategies and principles.
With this in mind, the following services are offered by this team:
Weekend seminars / sermons:
“Minister Wellness Reset” for ministry staff. This includes a staff assessment, findings report, compassion distress education, and rule of life training. Included in this would be a sermon on the topic of choice from Peeds or St. Jean.
“Leadership Wellness Reset” for core leadership and family group leaders. This includes a leadership assessment, findings report, and spiritual leadership training. Included in this would be a sermon on the topic of choice from Peeds or St. Jean.
Three - Six Month “Minister / Leadership Wellness Reset”
Similar to weekend wellness resets listed above, but including:
A thorough assessment process with interviews.
A careful time of collective discernment, sense making, and course correcting with vested parties.
Counseling from St. Jean
Coaching from the Peeds
Four Day Staff Retreat
Similar to above but in intensive retreat format.
Weekend Core / Small Group Leadership Retreat
Similar to above but in intensive retreat format.
Joel and Christy Peed offer many services through their nonprofit Eremos Ministry:
Eremos Way Guidebook Series:
A Sabbatical Map: Navigating Holistic Renewal for Ministers
A Sabbath Map: Navigating Holistic Renewal for Christians (May ‘24)
A Solitude Map: Navigating Holistic Renewal for Leader (Oct ‘24)
Eremos Way Video Guidebook Series (2024):
A Sabbatical Map: Navigating Holistic Renewal for Ministers (12 videos + workbook)
A Solitude Map: Navigating Holistic Renewal for Leader (12 videos + workbook)
A Sabbath Map: Navigating Holistic Renewal for Christians (12 videos + workbook)
Teaching / Training:
Sermons / Weekend Workshops
“Sabbath Rest for the Restless Soul: How Sabbath Gifts Transformed Elijah”
“Into the Quiet: Following Jesus into Solitude and Silence”
“Called to the Mountaintop: Navigating Sabbaticals for Minister and Congregation”
“Influential Women of the Bible”
Ministry Calling, Roles, and Job Description Series
Ministry Wellness Rule of Life
Compassion Fatigue, Burnout and Sabbatic Reboot
Spiritual Leadership: Listening to the Spirit
Building a Healthy Core Leadership Group Culture
Marriage / Family / Singleness:
“I’m Building Me a Home: Four Pillars of Spiritual Parenting”
“Spiritual Singleness”
Theology of Sex
Ministry Family Sabbatical Coaching
Ministry / Leadership Wellness Coaching
Sabbatical Policy Formation: Board, Core Leadership Group / Eldership, Ministry Staff
Navigating a Ministerial Sabbatical from Beginning to End (12-18 months)
Ministry Wellness Reboot (w/ Dr. Sean St. Jean) (3 months, hybrid online / in-person)
Familiarization and Assessment
Discernment and Sense-Making
For more information please visit www.EremosMinistry.org
Dr. Sean St. Jean also offers the following services:
Personal, marriage, and family counseling
Spiritual trauma and grief counseling
Difficult church dynamics
Reconciling with the past
Promoting resolution and peace around church hurts
Ministry stress and burnout consulting
Organizational management and ministry/board policy work
Employee evaluation and consulting
Healing from vicarious trauma and secondary traumatic stress
Recovering from ministry burnout
Healthy spirituality and boundaries in ministry
Motivational interviewing and helping skills for ministers and lay leaders