It's not a secret that ministry work can be challenging. But it's often worse than that: paid ministry has the unique potential of being used by Satan to wound our hearts before God. High expectations, demanding members, lack of role clarity, fuzzy boundaries, and eternal stakes often combine in unfortunate ways to stress us out and even harm us through occupational burnout.
And burning out in ministry is no joke.
This is where you come in. Back in 2019, on the eve of the global pandemic, the ICOC Ministers Wellness Committee released a survey just for paid ICOC ministers. Our simple google form went viral and was completed by almost 700 ministers around the world. And the results forever changed the way we view ministry. Now the updated 2025 ICOC Minister Quality of Life Survey, which builds on our initial 2019 poll is ready. Will you please help us by completing it?
The purpose of this survey is to assess the general health and wellness of paid ministry staff such as yourself within the International Churches of Christ. The survey has been refined and expanded slightly, now consisting of four sections:Â
1. Demographic Information
2. Minister Wellness
3. Ministry Philosophy
4. Professional Quality of Life Scale
Please be assured that this survey is fully anonymous and the information you provide will be held in strict confidence. All of your responses will be tabulated and kept by a non-ministry researcher (Dr. Sean St. Jean) and the combined data (generalized results) will be used to inform future policy directions as well as to provide support to our ministry staff. This means that individual responses will never be shared. We would appreciate it if you would please complete the form in its entirety. It should take about 10-15 minutes for most people.
And if you took it in 2019, please complete it again! This will allow us to see trends over the past 5 years. Will you help us bring glory to God through helping you and your peers to thrive spiritually and emotionally in ministry?Â
*****Complete the 2025Â ICOC Minister Quality of Life Survey by clicking HERE!*****
Please be sure to complete the survey ASAP - our deadline for responses is Fri Feb 28, 2025.
Spanish and Russian translations of the survey will be available in early-mid February. Please check back on this page for updates.